Monday, November 15, 2010

Mundle bread on Eid: Paradoxical or Str8 Delish?

Every year on Eid al-Adha (Muslim holiday of sacrifice), my mom usually bakes some kind of confectionary delight. Sometimes it's cake, sometimes an Arab cookie known as Kahk (more appetizing than it sounds). Or we just hold off on the baking all together and wait to see what my uncle's wife sends over. But this year, Momz decided to go back to her roots. She cooked up a recipe passed down from Grandma Ruth which was passed down to her from Great Grandma Tilly- The Mundle Bread.

Despite its name, Mundle bread is more of a cookie than a bread- in essence, a Jewish Biscotti. It has a dense crunchy texture flavored with lemon zest and chocolate chips. See below. What is particularly interesting about it, is its inherently addictive quality (is it really just the sugar, Mom?) One bite, and you're hooked.

Bundle o' Mundle

I could wax philosophical about how some may view it as ironic that we are partaking in a traditionally Jewish food on our Muslim holiday. Or I could sit back, enjoy my Mundle and seasonal peppermint hot chocolate, and wonder about why my neighbors still haven't taken down their Halloween decorations yet. Yes, I think I'll do that.

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