Thursday, December 9, 2010


So you've just found out that you lost your job. Or that your car was stolen. Or that your sister has secretly been using your tooth brush for the cat. Or, after 22 years of life, you just found out that you have a selective lisp.

Yea, I thought so. But you're not just mad.

And possibly sad. Probably not glad. But perthpective (also known as The Big Picture) is an amazing thing. It assures you that no matter how bad your life gets, it could always be worse. And, as cold hearted as this sounds, there will always be someone whose life sucks more.

For instance, you could have really bad teeth, like that guy who played that guy in the movie that no one cares about anymore (or the British, or Hilary Duff):

Or, you could be diagnosed with Bolshephobia- Fear of Bolsheviks (yes, it exists)- or some other highly dangerous phobia that would keep you from living a normal life.

Or, you could be the person who posted this on on October 13, 2008:

Or, you could have your entire body engulfed in facial hair:

Or, your name could be Debra Jackson:

Or, you could be Kathy Griffin. That woman gives me the heeby jeebies.

But you are none of those things! (unless you are, for which I am truly sorry) So rejoice. Go forth and frolic in rainbow covered meadows. Be happy and thank God that you are not Kathy Griffin.

My spreading of good cheer quota is now filled for the day. Thank you to all, and to all a good night.

[meme cred: annie tran]

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